Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 8: Hails & Farewells

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Last day of winter break!  Went to the base for lunch.  Daisy Scouts, Boy Scouts and Church Planning meeting this evening.  Do you remember where we put the clone?

Oh, and Girl Scout Cookies go on sale January 13th.  The new lemon cookie tastes like a lemon bar and a box of animal crackers had a baby.  Is that a good thing?
Miss you!

Translation: Everyone is LEAVING…get your friends to buy cookies.

Hails and Farewells are a part of every military life.  If your friends are in the military…or military spouses there will eventually be a move involved.  That does not make it any easier.  So we celebrate with food.  However, due to Facebook and other social devices, we are no longer ships passing in the night.  However, who will now be my Margarita buddy? *sigh* Alcohol does not travel well via laptop (as Fabulous Spouse and the now disturbed little red laptop know).

Also, it is almost that time again.  It is time for Girl Friday to sell obscene amounts of overpriced (yet totally yummy) cookies.  Wanna buy a box? 

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