Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 16: For the love of God!

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Today was a Church day.  Oldest Child had Faith Formation and the little guys hung out with me while I attended the Parish Planning meeting.  We made a dent in the leftovers tonight. Woo Hoo!  We even have clean teeth (and I have proof!).
We Miss You!

Translation: When in doubt, check with the Church.

I love our church.  I have to.  I am member of the Church Ladies Mafia (in good standing).  It is the place where we go for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Faith formation (formerly known as CCD), Mass, and assorted other activities.  How many days are there in a week?  It has had a positive impact on my kids, filling their faith cups and making them want more.  That is why it makes me proud that they do not mind spending two hours with their Gameboys while their Mom works on the Parish 5 year plan.

However, with a late night, comes late bedtime routines.  However, when I popped upstairs, I found that they were actually brushing their teeth!  Wow. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

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