Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 29: School is Back in Session

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Thank goodness! School is back in session, so we should get out of school before the 4th of July!
I guess that means that basketball is back on the schedule tonight. Hope that your travels today are safe! Get your Passport stamped.
We miss you!

Translation: I need a nap!
After the kids went to school today, I took a two hour nap.  I do not think that I had been aware of just how little sleep and how much stress I have been under with the power outage and your transit at the same time.

But, life goes on, and that means that Illusive Middle Child had basketball.  He was excited to be tapped to lead the team in warm ups (as he is by far the most in shape of them all… or at least has the greatest stamina).  He also got fouled and scored his first basket during the end of practice scrimmage.

He is so cute.  He is torn between liking basketball and thinking that he could be good at it if they had more practices, and wanting to do off season wrestling next year so that he can compete for states and nationals.  To have such issues as a child!

Keep Safe! & I Love you!

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