Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 7: Clean Up

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Hard to believe a week has already passed!
I guess that means that it is time to clean up and do laundry then!
I am glad that we finally figured out the Skype.  It was good to see you!
We miss you.

Translation: Where is a Laundry Fairy when you need one?!

Well, it seems like both months and hours have passed since you left, but we have hit our first official milestone! Only 52 or so to go!

Seriously though.  I would give just about anything to be a cobbler with my own horde of brownies and a laundry fairy or two.  Oldest Child and I did watch Hoarders: Buried Alive though, and he assures me that we are nowhere near that threshold.

However, motivated by scary floor to ceiling clutter, we decided to get Christmas put away and the tree out the door before school got back in session.  The kids enjoyed taking the ornaments off almost as much as they enjoyed putting them on.  So, tree down, stockings down.  Just inside and outside lights and the nativity left to go!

We also had laundry to muddle through.  To be honest, a missing spouse, or household laundry fairy, was scarier back when the kids were younger and could not fold their own laundry. Luckily, Fabulous Spouse has done a good job training his junior fairies, so even that went by rather well.  I guess that leaves the kitchen…and the freezer in the garage (which I am currently ignoring).

I can do it.  I can. No, seriously. Stop laughing, Fabulous spouse.  I can attain clean. Maybe...

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