Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 15: It’s a B-Ball day!

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
I have my fingers crossed that we have the pay thing sorted out.  Illusive Middle Child started basketball tonight and really likes it.  He is also the tallest kid on the team! I hope that you had fun on the range!  Unfortunately, we created more leftovers.
We miss you!

Translation: Crisis averted… another on the horizon?
For starters, pay crisis theoretically averted.  Even though Millington told the IAs that they were not going to get paid, they told the bank something else.  We have a payheck coming! Woo Hoo!

Ok.  It is official.  Crisis #2.  Someone somewhere has a sick sense of humor.  Both Illusive Middle Child and Girl Friday are really liking basketball.  I mean REALLY liking it.  Luckily, I love them, and I will support them, and I will attend every game if possible.  However, I am not a basketball person.  I do not understand it.  I guess that is OK.  I do not need to know how it works, I just need to love the players, and hope that they get to play at least half of the quarters.

Also, in a mini milestone, I have taken down Christmas outside the house, and composted the gingerbread houses.  Now, all I have is the inside lights and the nativity left, and we will be Christmas complete!  We are definitely ahead of our St. Patrick’s Day deadline! …I know, I know.  We are not done yet.  However, I am trying.  Oh.  ...and we have the end table clean! Yeah!

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