Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 27: Let there be light!

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
We got the power back this afternoon, so we are back at the house.  We even have internet!  We have cleared the fridge of rotten food.  I hope that Kuwait is just like you remember it!
We miss you!

Translation: What does power smell like? Fabric softener.

We woke up warm and toasty in Super S’s house to the news that you had successfully made it to Kuwait.  I hope that you can finally get some sleep.  We had pancakes !

At lunchtime, we trekked back home to check on the cat, the melt out of the freezer, and to pick up some extra supplies.  Oh, and to get a little Jack in the Box.  The town still looked like a war zone, we even passed a downed power line near the Little League fields.  However, *ta dah* we DID have power (by the clocks, it turned on 6 minutes prior to our arrival).

What does power smell like? Outside the neighborhood it seemed like every washer and dryer was going.  The air was thick with the smell of fabric softener.  Inside, however, it kind of smelled like death.  If you have ever defrosted your deep freezer, you recognize that smell.  Yeah.  Four days of no power in the only heated room in the house had thoroughly defrosted the refrigerator and freezer (as if the ice cream soup was not a big hint).  So the task for the evening, was to unload, catalog, and dispose of the entire refrigerator and freezer contents.   Six trash bags later, mission accomplished! (So sad to see all those salmon steaks go!)

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