Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 23: More Snow… or Snow Day #2

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
It was looking clear until after midnight.  However, four inches of snow later, we have another Snow Day!
We Miss You! (Send a St. Bernard!)

Translation: How do we light the pilot on the fireplace again?

“The most snow I can remember,” says the umpteenth person on the television.  Well, the most since 2008 maybe, when my kids had snow forts in the drifts, but ok, 4 inches is still impressive up here (no snowplows, remember).

Girl Friday and Illusive Middle Child had lots of quality snow time.  It is supposed to be in the 40s by Friday, so who knows how long this winter wonderland will last.  The true carrot for that horse is that snowplay equals hot chocolate afterwards!

One of the perks of older children, is greater responsibilities and bribery.  For an extra hour of Xbox, Oldest Child finally peeled himself off the couch and shoveled the driveway and sidewalk three times.  The last just before bedtime.

Also, we needed to figure out how to light the pilot light on the fireplace.  We have not lit it since 2008 due to its astronomical effect on our heating bill.  However, with power flickering and out in some areas due to downed trees, snow weight, or auto accidents, I did not want to take a chance.  Afterall, the Murphy works is hope for the best but prepare for the worst, and pay the bill at the end of the month! (...and do NOT run out of hot chocolate).

BTW: Does this look like a snow plow even thought about visiting before everything froze to ice after 5PM? I did not think snow.

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