Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 31: Double booked

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Congrats on scoring a VIP room and getting your own toilet. We had Cub scouts and girls basketball today. 
Same bat time, different bat channel.  Got it done though.
We miss you.

Translation: Using clones leads to ulcers
I am woman, I am a Navy wife, I can do it all!  Actually, I can’t.  That is one of those life lessons that I have learned in the last few years.  That is why I need an army of clones.  Since I misplaced mine recently, that means using the network.

Illusive Middle Child arrived at Cub Scouts to turn in his “land sub”…named the USS Augusta in honor of his dad’s first boat.  So, we weighed in, attached wheels…broke the axel shaft…repaired the shaft… then dropped him off for the Pack Meeting (the first that Illusive Middle Child has made all year!). 
This was a good thing, as his den had flag ceremony, and Illusive Middle Child was the only one “brave” enough to call colors. Then we headed out with Girl Friday.

At basketball, we made sure that Girl Friday’s ride would have no problem dropping her at the church.  Basketball gets out at 8, and the Pack meetings usually get out between 8:30 and 9PM.  As her ride goes to our church, no problem!

The pack meeting was expedited due to the Pinewood Derby tomorrow, and ended at 7:45. Problem.  Cell phone left at home. Problem.  OK, help clean up and wait, and wait, and wait.  Practice went late, and Girl Friday arrived at 8:40, just as MR and Oldest Child were headed home to pick up our cell phone and find out where Girl Friday was. (It took me less than 10 min to get from drop off to church).

Crisis averted. Micro ulcer…on its way.  Must find my clone.

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