Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 10: Homemade with Love

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Glad to finally get to speak with you!  Sorry that our conversations were so brief though.  Oldest child has realized the perils of no assigned homework over winter break.  Double homework in January!  Girl Friday won a ribbon at the powder puff derby.  She is so proud that it is "Homemade with Love".
We love you and miss you!

Translation: Tears=Prizes or a Soap Opera lost its ingénue

There are some things in life where nature trumps nurture every time.  Girl Friday is definitely that force of nature.  As we have missed the first half of the year of Girl Scouts in favor of cheerleading, we only got our powder puff pinewood derby car 48 hours ago.  There are two things about the pinewood cars that I have always held fast, do it yourself, and no crying if you lose (because you DID do it yourself).

Girl Friday painted her cube of pine to look like a Van Gogh version of a Thin Mint Box, and she was very proud.  It did not win.  However, we thought that it might have a fighting chance in the creative category.  Not a chance.  Every girl was given a sticker for each category to pick a winner.  Girl Friday did not pick her own in the Daisy Category (because in her astute opinion, you should never vote for yourself) and was therefore the only one without a vote.

The tears started, as the pretty, sleek, shellacked cars kept garnering stickers, and hers did not.  Not a one.  It was OK to not win the race, but this was different.  This was an indightment of her creativity!

One of the other Daisies conned a Senior scout who still had all her stickers to put three of her four stickers on Girl Fridays paper…giving her 3 total votes (bless her).  The silent heaving and crocodile tears began to seize up.  Somebody loved her... art.  Not enough to win the Girls' Choice, but enough to not have nothing (Yes, I know that sentance looks like bad grammar.  It bothers me too.)

Then, the leaders made their choices.  Guess you got the Daisy Ribbon?
I am ready for my close up Mr. DeMille...
...and that is how Girl Friday won her first People's Choice Award. (Notice the still red eyes, but not a single tear).  Gotta love an actress.  Hopefully she will buy us a house when she gets famous.

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