Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 33: Basketball Game Day #2

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Today was basketball day.  That means a lot of back and forth in the car.  Especially as Girl Friday also had a birthday party, and Illusive Middle Child scored an overnighter from MR as we were back on tree clean up duty  with them.
Hope you enjoy your late start tomorrow!
We Miss you!

Translation: On the road again…

The kids had a great time typing with you this morning.  I think, if nothing else, this deployment will help their reading, writing and typing skills.  It was cool to hear them babble on about how they got to "talk" to you afterwards.

So, today we started with boys basketball game for Illusive Middle Child.  I show up, I cheer, I take photos.  I have no idea what his position is (I am not sure if he does either). 
He is the official ball thrower inner.  My Sister-in-law says that makes him the point guard. 
However, he is in the middle when they throw up the ball to start the game, which someone said makes him the center.  In any event, he is having fun.

Girl Friday was up an hour after her brother.  To help her with her sport today, she channeled her inner Fancy Nancy, and wore "power" socks.  She has so much fun! She even stuck to her person this time. 
The only down side was a ball to the face, that caught her on the bridge of the nose. 
Tough girl that she is, she would not be pulled out of the game.

Following that, it was party time.  Girl Friday had a blast at a pool party with a Mardi Gras theme, and she had a blast.

The boys and I, meanwhile, continued to pay it forward and help our single mom friend cut down trees and light a bonfire.  Sorry no pictures this time.  We were too busy trying to race against sunset and rain clouds.  We probably cut a good cord of debris…and so that is a start!  Time to relax a little on Sunday!

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