Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 36: Lots of Homework

Girl Friday helping make Green Ravioli

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Wrestling is still running late.  This coupled with Honors homework for the end of the quarter means no Boy Scouts tonight.  However, we still have the craziness of boys basketball and Daisy Scouts at the exact same time…in different places.  Well, at least everyone is late!
We miss you.

Translation: …And I Still have to go to Scouts?!
So, it is great that Oldest Child is mature enough to realize that homework and grades trump Boy Scouts…especially when grades are due for the quarter on Friday, and his Grammy promised him $25 if he could pull up his grades to five A’s, and #5 is teetering on the brink.  However, it seems that it is parent planning night at Boy Scouts, so I still need to attend.

The thing is, the universe would be running so much smoother, if the middle school wrestling coaches could tell time, and we were not always double booked for activities.  Luckily, our kids are pretty resilient.  So, dropped Oldest Child home to reheat dinner and do homework, dropped Illusive Middle Child off at basketball practice, and as soon as he disappeared into the gym, we put the car back into drive, and were only about twenty minutes late for Daisy Scouts.

At Daisy Scouts, we planned the spring activities, and the girls made cookie posters to sell cookies at the end of February.  Fortunately? Daisy Scouts was running late, so I left Girl Friday at Scouts, picked up Illusive Middle Child from practice (small plus is that there is another team scheduled immediately after him for the gym, so they cannot run late), then went back to Daisy Scouts.  Then the little guys got dropped home with their brother, and I was off (30 min late) to Boy Scouts.  I did not miss much.  Tuesdays are rough!

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