Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 20: First Snow

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Today we had our first snow.  It was not much, but here in the Pacific Northwest, any snow is a party! …and an excuse for hot chocolate!
We Miss You!

Translation: Are you really going to sled on that?

Well, today was our first “snow day”.  If you are from anywhere that gets real snow, this was not.  However, if you are from someplace warm, it was a blizzard!  Growing up in the Northeast, we all looked forward to snow days, and crossed our fingers for that February/ March surprise blizzard.  Here in the Pacific Northwest, we have years where we have one or two dustings, and it will stick for maybe 24 hours… if we are lucky. OR we are dumped on (two inches, maybe) and it sits without a snowplow for days…then snows again.

Today was a dusting. However, to girl Friday, it was a blizzard!  It snowed all day, but since the temperatures hovered around 34 degrees, it did not really stick.  That did not deter the kids from going out and attempting to sled and throw snowballs and enjoy it while it lasted! 

Finally, around 4PM we got down to 32 degrees and got some snow men made as fat flakes fell.  Illusive Middle Child and a friend got to constructing a snowman, and Girl Friday went off with a friend to construct a snow fort (which she wants to sleep in next weekend a la Curious George on PBS).  Snow is Magic to children, and it is SO fun to see them light up, especially when it is SO rare!

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