Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 30: Back to normal

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Sorry that internet is not cooperating.  We are back in the routine.  I even convinced Illusive Middle Child to paint his Pinewood derby car due tomorrow.
Hope you reach your endpoint soon!
We miss you!

Translation: To shop or not to shop?
Ok, we have emptied the refrigerator.  Now, with another windy weekend, we are unsure as to whether or not we should power shop to restore our fridge, or go day by day to make sure that we do not have to pitch yet more food.

Oldest Child went back to CCD today.  He is all excited about the upcoming retreat day with the Archbishop (He was willing to use his savings if we could not afford).  I guess, if there is one thing that we have done right with our kids, it has been to instill a sense of worship and faith in them… especially in our oldest.

Also, Girl Friday is channeling her inner Martha Stewart.  Either she has done something supremely naughty and we are just waiting for the other shoe to drop, or she has become supremely helpful in a wonderful, desperate plea for positive attention.  Today she put the dishes away, set the table, and helped me make breaded chicken strips and tater tots.  Not was asked, but she volunteered.

We have good kids.

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