Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 24: Loss of Power (and more snow)!

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
So glad that we lit the fireplace! Power went out before sunrise.  Of course, there is no school (we knew that by the state of the roads).  So, we have had some good family bonding time. Do you like the Spidey décor (picture below)?
Sorry we missed Skyping you on your last night Stateside!
We miss you!

Translation: Really, Murphy!?!
Ok, so I am super glad that we figured out the pilot light on the fireplace yesterday.  Although, I was really convinced that we were not going to need it.  First order of the day, put up a heat barrier.  So, I sent Oldest Child to get a flat sheet, and he returned with Spider Man!  Whatever.  Up it went, and we began to generate warmth.

It used to be that I hated gas ranges.  Give me electric! However, I am well and truly a convert now!  We had pancakes for breakfast, grilled cheese for lunch, and good ol’ Jiffy Pop popcorn for an afternoon snack.  Because, even if the electricity was down, all you needed was a lighter, and now you were cooking with gas!

Twice, the power flickered on, but before the boys could get to the Xbox switch it was out again.  They have since decided that snow days are not worth it without power.

Well, since it gets dark around 4:30PM up here, we decided that we would head out for dinner (and heat , and light).  Of course, the car got stuck midway into the road from the driveway.  In a rare glimpse of luck, (thank you Murphy!) a passing 4x4 truck stopped and helped push us onto the road.  Believe it or not, as we got ready to pull out of the development, the power returned (it would of course turn out as soon as we returned).  Even at Applebee's the power flickered several times!

Then home again for a slumber party by the fireplace.  We are SO thankful that Grammy and Grampy got us new sleeping bags for Christmas!  They were just what we needed with outside high temps around 33 F.   Good thing that we are a camping family and can adapt!

These kind of things can only happen on deployment!

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