Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 35: Hello Week 5!

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Hope that you had a wonderful Week 5 Anniversary!  The good news is, the higher the number, the closer you are to home!  Cub scouts tonight, double booked tomorrow!
We miss you!

Translation: Did somebody say fire?

Tonight was tight.  The schedule was pick up Oldest Child at 5:45, drive him home, show up at Church for Planning meeting at 6, Cub scouts at 7… However, reality never goes that way.  Oldest Child had weigh-ins for wrestling (which he says is MUCH easier this year than last year) which went smallest to largest.  This, of course, meant that Oldest Child went last.  So, pick up was at 6:05.

So, 6:15ish, we arrive at the church.  Illusive Middle Child goes to the Cub Scout Den meeting room to set up and play his DS, while I go a few rooms down to my meeting.  Twenty-five minutes later, the fire alarm goes off.  I go straight to Illusive Middle Child’s room.  He has already headed out the front door.

That is because he is a good kid who has always paid attention when we talked about fires and meeting places.  When I found him outside the front door, I told him how proud I was that he did to try to pick up the meeting stuff, that he did not wait, that he did not try to find mom.  Instead he got safe.

As it turned out, the sprinkler system has been glitched since the power outage.  This time it actually went off… and released water under the church.  And it kept going off…  The fire department even showed up to check it out (see Illusive Middle Child with the fire truck blurry in the background).

The meeting then got moved to another parent’s garage.  So much for Mondays being easy!

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