Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 34: TGI Sunday!

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Finally got a chance to slow down today.  We even went to the Movies!
We miss you!

Translation: Movie-palooza
Oldest Child’s homework for this weekend was to watch movies and find one that fit each of the man vs. categories.  Since we have been so busy, it took until today to be forced to veg out, slow down, and watch movies.

His results:
Man vs. Himself: Up
Man vs. Circumstances: Grease
Man vs. Society: Hugo
Man vs. Man: DOA Dead or Alive

As for Hugo, the kids LOVED it.  I guess that says a lot about Martin Scorsese, because I would have thought that the twitch factor for the little guys would really kick in by hour two.  They were enthralled by the secondary story line of the rise and fall of the silent movies.

It was also interesting to hear the discussion between the three of them on the ride home as the compare the “Society” of post-War France and modern America… and is the concept of an orphanage any better or worse than foster care, and what quality of life street orphans would have. (and how cool it would be to live in a clock) LOL!

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