Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 17: This is my “Thing”

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Blogger is fritzing, so hopefully this is posting OK for you.  Girl Friday has decided that basketball is her “thing”.  We made cookies tonight to ship out in a care package.  The kids have decided that having you deployed is not a bad thing, as it insures a regular batch of “poison testers” and leftovers (these kind die a quick death and never reproduce).
We Miss You!

Translation:  Can I show you my angry face?

Well, it seems that Girl Friday is over the moon for her new sport.  She is even willing to cheer to “keep in shape” in her off season.  She is loving every aspect of it, from trying to “score baskets” to using her angry face on defense drills.  On the plus side, it IS indoors.  Therefore, the weather is not really an issue! (Looking for the bright side. Really.)

The true plus side is that Girl Friday is very active at home now.  She goes out on the back patio to dribble the ball before school, and plays with the Sitter Kid after school.  She plays so hard that we almost could not wake her for dinner tonight (the dinner that immediately preceded her practice that she was SO lookng forward to).

As for me, I have had an “angry face” all day.  It seems that Microsoft has updated some code on Explorer 8 that makes it not play well with blogger.  As I am mid blog hop on my scrapbooking blog, I am frustrated that I cannot communicate as the system freezes when I hit the comment button.  I know.  Not as bad as travel agent swaps.

However, Remember: Fermented yack milk may just be on the bucket list.  As are homemade mittens and rugs from every country that ends in a ~stan. ...and, I will always love you!

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