Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 13: Hey, He really does play Tuba!

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Happy Sunday!  Hope that you had a relaxing day today and got to sleep in.  Spent the day at Church.  The kids are getting back into the routine of things.  Oldest Child even picked up his tuba for a bit.
Oldest Child is doing his best to conquer the leftovers, but they are still multiplying.
We miss you.

Translation: Veggie Tales theme song anyone?
Things are almost getting back to normal around here.  Normal in the kids’ minds is homemade breakfast on Sundays.  It does not matter that we have fruit mini muffins and leftover breakfast pizza (which I prepared for them and instructed them to make when they got up super early to get their Xbox fixes). Noooo.  They waited patiently for me to get up and shower and emerge.  They were waiting for pancakes.

After pancakes, it was CCD time.  Then it was the Parish Gathering.  Then it was dinner with garlic bread… mmmm garlic bread.  Now, it is back to coaxing the laundry fairy out of hiding…and a new episode of Once Upon a Time!

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