Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 25: Snow Day #4, Power Loss Day #2, Phone Lines Down Day #1

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
I hope that you are enjoying your overseas travel.  Today we had ice cream soup for breakfast winning me necessary mom of the year points.  Not much else going on, as we are an icicle wonderland!
We miss you!

Translation: Thank goodness for coffee shops with internet access!
For starters, here are pictures from our slumber party by the fireplace.  Must.  Keep.  Warm. LOL!

It took forever to get them to bed, but I think that they will remember it for a long time! (Note: Girl Friday's American Girl doll is sleeping in the laundry basket.  It was too cold for her upstairs.) :)

I really thought that we had a chance of getting the power back.  Alas! It was not to be!  So, now that the cold of the freezer and refrigerator are failing, we had ice cream soup for breakfast!  Yes, that is how it came out of the freezer that had not been opened since we lost power.  So, I also called the homeowners insurance to let them know that a claim would be eventually coming to replace the food in our freezers and refrigerator.

The highlight of the day was when we went to Cutters Pointe Coffee for Wi-Fi, warmth, and to recharge our electronics.  Oldest Child was treated to a “big boy” drink of a White Chocolate Mocha, and the two little guys had hot chocolate (that, as I was informed, was much more awesome than the hot chocolate that we have at home).

Friday is typically Pizza and a Movie night, but as we were not going to have a movie, we did have Papa John’s deliver (as there was going to be no baking tonight) and ate it by candlelight.  Power should be back by Monday… we hope!

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