Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 19: Our First Basketball Games

We had a busy day today.  Oldest Child had Klondike Derby, and both the little guys had basketball.  They both ran around until they were red, and they both loved it!
I hope that you enjoyed your down time too!
We miss you.

Translation:  Would you like to play a game?
The little guys were SO cute in their 7/8 basketball games.  First up was Illusive Middle Child, who was the tallest on his team.  Therefore, he was quickly drafted into the ball thrower inner position on the team (as a non-basketball  person, I do not know what that position is called).  They also put him on defense as the Keymaster (not the Gatekeeper or the Staypuffed Marshmallow Man) when the rest of the team went up to score.

Girl Friday was super impatient.  This is “her thing”, but her brother had a 9AM game, and her game was not until 3PM.  When it finally did come, she was ready (even if she was the shortest on the team).  She hopped, she bopped, she chased that ball everywhere…and even remembered her defense stance.  She had a great time.  Personally, I think her lesson #2 should be stick to your assigned girl, but then again, I do not know much about basketball, so I may be wrong.

I got to play computer games with Fabulous Spouse.  No global thermonuclear war…yet.  Game on Baby!

After a dinner out at Red Robin-Yum to celebrate finally getting a paycheck, things got quiet upstairs.  Then, I heard voices… voices playing… playing together.  My kids had rediscovered the Imaginext cache in the playroom, and the kingdoms were being created and invaded and negotiated. 

Shhhh… a game of Imagination is at work.

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