Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 12: All Hail the Mom Taxi

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Dorry to hear about your chipped tooth.  Survived a full blown and active Saturday.  However, I think that I should get bonus points for getting everyone where they needed to be on time, and nobody got forgotten!  It was good to see you on Skype. Leftovers again for dinner.  Good luck guarding the guns tonight!
Miss you,

Translation: has anybody seen my Clone?
I lost my clone.  I do not know where it has run away to, but I need to find it.  Three kids and one driver, makes for one slightly stressed Mom.  However, we DID get everyone where they needed to go.

8:40 Illusive Middle Child was dropped off at District Wrestling Tournament as a helper along with mini muffins we made the day before.  Illusive Middle Child is totally stoked to be the person who litterally throws in the towel (or hits the referee with it) in order to mark the end of the wrestling period.

9:00 Oldest Child to Boy Scouts for Christmas Tree pick up.
9:20 Bake cookies for Fabulous Spouse.
9:30 Do not lose temper at Girl Friday who dropped measuring cup into kitchen aide mixer and just watched it get beat up.
10:30 Pick up Oldest Child from Boy Scouts.
11:30 Leave to drop off Fabulous Spouse’s Care Package at Post Office
11:45 Pick up lunch for Wrestling Coaches Room and Illuseive Middle Child.
12:15 Lunch with Illusive Middle Child
13:00 Basketball for Girl Friday.  She has her first game next Saturday.  Lets just hope that the refs are generous, because travelling is a generous description for what is going on right now, and there is only 8 girls on the team.  However, she does like it...and she "scored one baskets" today at the  park following.  How many points do you think that is?
14:00 Drop Girl Friday home
14:15 Back to wrestling tournament (finished Incarceron)
16:40 Home
That actually does not sound so hectic on paper.  I guess that I am just a complainer.

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