Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 21:MLK and week 3

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Three weeks down! SO another one bites the dust!  It was MLK Day here, so that means no school, so no snow day, but we did have snow. Er…flurries.
We miss you.

Translation: Micro Size it!
It is Martin Luther King Jr Day, and therefore a school holiday.  This is good, because it has been flurrying all day with nary a snow plow in sight.  This means that the roads are horrible, the grass is still peaking through, and the snowmen are the opposite of super sized.

However, the kids have had fun.  Girl Friday was out of the house tracking down every last snowflake most of the day.  Illusive Middle Child even managed to score a sledding and sleepover date (assuming that tomorrow will be either a late start or closure due to the lack of snow plows).  Other than that, not much going on other than the requisite laundry and dishes.

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