Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 14: Welcome Milestone Monday!

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
It is another milestone!  Two Weeks!  It is also a Murphy Moment.  It seems that it may be a bit longer before we get picked up by the Navy payrolls.  Fabulous!  It was game night at Cub Scouts.  Next Monday is pocket knife week.  Hopefully, it is not another Murphy one as well.
We miss you.

Translation: Murphy’s Law and Know Your Resources
It is no small secret that I live the life of Murphy’s Law. I have used all my warranties…ALL of them!  It is by no means a surprise when Murphy follows us into Navy Life.  Now, Fabulous Spouse activated on Dec 22nd.  We planned on his first paycheck to be January 1st.  It was not.  Due to the holidays, they said that it was not able to inprocessed in time.  OK.  That just meant 3+ weeks pay on the 15th and eeking in the mortgage just under the wire.

Of course, that would be too easy.  Leprechauns laughed in Millington, and …now there is no paycheck in our foreseeable future. Well, we might get paid in 45 days (that is 69 days into Navy employment).  Yes, Seriously!  This is not a joke.  You are not on Candid Camera.

However, I had been paying attention in Navy Wife 101… and I did read my Fabulous Spouse’s orders.  (Yes, I am one of those weird people who read the instruction manuals or gaming manuals before I take step one)  First, read those orders.  Buried on the bottom of page 12 was authorization for advance pay and allowances (not that it is a guarantee that it will be approved).  Getting those delayed pays “advanced” may preserve our credit rating and our never been late with the mortgage record!

Also, if that does not work out, there is always the Navy Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS).  What we have here is a "CO verified pay problem."  But this is an Army base?! Even better!  Army Relief does not require appointments, and they will contact the NMCRS  HQ in Washington, D. C. directly. …And, if the Army Relief hours do not match up with range time, I am not too proud to go to the Navy Relief here.  I am willing to swallow my pride and ask for help.  It is not my fault that he mobilized right before Christmas.  The mortgage still needs to be paid.

So, no worries.  This too will pass.  I have resources!

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