Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 6: New Year’s Day

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Slept in today, finally.  Hope that you are doing well at your briefs today.  Hope the time zone change doesn’t leave you to tired.  Quiet day planned.  Movie marathon tonight.
I think that the leftovers are angry that we have to clean out the freezer and have started a breeding program.
We miss you.

Translation: Sloth Day
Every once in a while, we all just need a day to do nothing.  Today was that day. No work.  No cleaning. Fend for yourself and attempt to make a dent in the leftovers.  Try not to move too much.  That is what we did today.
Also, I decided that we needed a little family time, and frankly, the Xbox was tired and needed a break.  So, we had the teriyaki meatballs that were intended as New Year’s Eve snacks for dinner, leftover cream puffs for snacks, and hunkered down for a “Once Upon a Time” marathon.  The kids loved figuring out who all the characters were and had a great time until I forced them to bed at 10 PM.

However, the consequence of Sloth Day is this… twice as much work tomorrow.  I think I need to find me a Laundry Fairy! ;)

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