Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 65: Happy Leap Day!

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Thirty days has September,
    April, June, & November.
All the rest have thirty-one.
   …except February which has 28.
But, once every year in four,
   February has one more!

Today we leapt onto the net for WOYWW, had a play day with the cat, discovered Dick & Jane, had basketball practice, CCD (Faith Formation), and made some banana muffins for the office.
We miss you.

Translation: We may have gotten an extra day, but we aren’t any less busy
I often joke that I wish that I had an extra hour or two to the day, or an extra day to the week…well, here is our bonus day, and not much seems to have changed!  The poor cat was forced to “play” with the kids and her new toy.  Oldest Child had discovered the show “Cats from Hell” on Animal Planet and has it DVR’d.  After many an episode, the consensus amongst the kids was that the cat “needed” a toy of her own to stop the nervous pee-ing in the front room whenever company spent the night.

self portrait of Jr. Cat Whisperers
Since Grandmother was due in about a week, I gave in.  Who am I to argue   with a cat whisperer?  The cat wishes that I had saved my $3.  Serves her right for continuing to make poor choices.  Maybe I can hide the toy…except for when she is Naughty!

One cool thing discovered today…Girl Friday LOVES Dick and Jane.  My resident non-reader *sigh* has been inspired by the vintage reader, and spent almost an hour going through all the chapters (like 100 pages) of the anthology that I had.  It is amazing how the strangest things can be the spark to read!

At practice, Illusive Middle Child dominated the practice…as usual.  This means that he was coaches example, he “got it” first, and got fouled the most by his frustrated guards.  Which lead to…free throw practice.  Illusive Middle Child actually got more than he missed.  Not bad for a little (or not so little) guy!

Back home, we had bananas on the verge of turning on us and becoming fruit fly fodder.  So, that meant banana muffins.  As per our conversation, Girl Friday and I made an assortment of flavors to ship out to you and your office mates on the front (with extra chocolate chip ones for home).  This is one of her favorite things to do…bake. 
Maybe we have a pastry chef in the making?

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