Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 46: Pizza & Movie night

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Gotta love Pizza and a Movie Night.  Tonight was Girl Friday’s pick for movie and Oldest Child’s for pizza.  We miss you.
Translation: TGIF! …with Pizza
You have got to love Fridays.  It is the only day of the week where we can truly kick back, forget our clones… or lack thereof… and relax.  Goodness, I enjoy these nights!

Girl Friday picked Night at the Museum #2, and all three kids stayed for the whole feature.  That is a win in my book!  As for pizza, it was our usual mod Cowboy…but on thin crust, as Oldest Child is theoretically trying to cut wait for wrestling.  As he is the only one in his weight class right now, I am not sure how motivated he truly is to lose those last 5 pounds…especially as the Varsity kid in that weight class has been pinning kids and winning since last year, and we still count a win as anything more than 10 seconds for the pin.

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