Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 52: 1st Wrestling Match of the Season

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Today was Oldest Child’s first wrestling match of the year.  He got to be Varsity for 250lb. weight class and did great!  He got pinned, but if he could have lasted 15 more seconds, he would have won on points. Not too shabby!
We miss you.

Translation: It was a very long night for 3 minutes of action!
We started off with another half day of school.  Good news is that Girl Friday was the star student for the day in her class, and she was SO proud!

After a few hours, I packed up the little guys and the neighbor kid and we headed off to Oldest Child’s first wrestling match of the season.  I was so proud of Oldest Child for securing the Varsity spot in the 250lb. slot for the team.

We were all worried that it would be over in under 10 seconds… a regular occurrence last year.  However, this time around, I think that Oldest Child was in better shape, and had learned a thing or two, so he did much better.  He almost made it to the end of the third period, and if he had not gotten pinned in the last few seconds of the match, then he would have won on points (3-2).

However, it took FOREVER to get to his match.  The powers that be had decided to run the junior varsity matches first, then Varsity.  So, it was almost 6:30PM by the time that Oldest Child finished.  So, we had to race out and run through Taco Bell in order to get Girl Friday to basketball on time.

We got her dropped off, picked up Oldest Child, dropped him and his brother home with their dinner, popped into our Finance Council meeting, then popped back out to pick up Girl Friday and call it a night.

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