Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day 41: Super Bowl Sunday

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Today is Sunday, that means clean up…and Super Bowl Sunday!  Instead of company, we had family time.  The Kids relaxed and enjoyed a great game.  Everyone (except Illusive Middle Child) was excited to have the Giants win!
We miss you.

Translation: “All Hail the New York Giants” –King Julian, Madagascar
Today was fun.  The kids were a little disappointed that we were not throwing a party, but really, I just wanted to relax. It was a close 21-17 victory for the NY Giants.  After several years in a row of losing bets to his Mom, Oldest Child refused to take the Patriots… even though they were favored to win.  Girl Friday wanted the NY Giants to win…because they were in Madagascar.  Illusive Middle Child wanted the Patriots to win because his Dad is a Patriot (and he feels that we should all be ashamed for not feeling the same way and root for New England as well).

The “Country” won the Super Bowl coin toss, that means that we have free Papa John’s pizza in our future…we also had some as a part of our Super Bowl Feast!

When it came to half time, Girl Friday thought that the cheerleaders were cool…but they did not do any pyramids or tricks (except the guy on the string, but he is not a girl and therefore not a REAL cheerleader)…even if they (the girls) did sing.

As for commercials, my personal favorite was the naked M&M.  The kids thought that the Dog Godfather bribing his owner with Doritos was #1.  Third for all of us was the Biggest Loser Dog commercial from the Mos Isley Cantina.

It was a great day/ night! …and the best news was…no school tomorrow, so I could relax and text into the night with Fabulous Spouse and not worry about the 5:30 alarm clock!

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