Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 53: Pizza & Movie Night

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Tonight was boys’ night for Pizza and a Movie, as Girl Friday was invited to spend the night at the Neighbor Kid’s house.  We watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part 2.
We miss you.

Translation: Boys Rule (and Moms don’t count as girls)
It was boys’ night tonight, and they had a blast.  We had one bottle of sparkling cider left over from Valentine’s Day, so it was Costco Pizza and Apple-Cranberry fizz.  Oldest child asked if he could drink out of the bottle…whatever. LOL!

Also, we have decided that the PS3 is adult proof, as the only one who could figure out how to make it play the movie was Illusive Middle Child.  Go figure!  It was neat to have a boys night (as I do not count as a girl…I am a Mom, and that is different!).

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