Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 38: Baking Sugar Cookies

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Today was spent doing shredding in the church office.  I came home to the most wonderful of presents.  Thank you!  The kids have decided that since you are so far away, that they need to provide the office with a Valentine’s Day Party complete with homemade Valentine’s sugar cookies.  Look for an extra box in 10 days or so!
We Miss You!

Translation: I love my kids.  Really.
The one thing that I love about Christmas, is that it is only once a year.  There are certain things that incur stress and test the internal moral fortitude.  However, the infrequency gives you the strength to smile and carry on.  Making sugar cookies is one of those acts.

However, as Fabulous Spouse is stranded on a remote desert country that only owns one pay phone, the little guys have decided that their Dad’s office needs a Valentine’s Day party in a box…and that box needs hand cut sugar cookies.  Joy.

After surviving sugar cookies : ) , we had basketball.  Now, basketball is not my sport.  However, as a dutiful parent, I drive, I stay, and I absorb (some).  The biggest thing that I have absorbed is that my daughter and my son are playing two very different games.  While Illusive Middle Child is learning passes and teamwork, Girl Friday is learning court positions (apparently there are 5 around the key…another term I have learned), and defensive dribbling.  Interesting.  Really.

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