Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 40: Basketball Game Day#3

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Today was another basketball day.  Today we were  almost back to back with our games, so it was family day at the basketball court.  Afterwards, we went to Costco and picked up Super Bowl snacks.
We miss you!

Translation: Get ‘er done, and yes you have to come
Today was a comedy of errors that ended well.  The plan: Pick up lunch at McD’s.  Pick up Girl Friday from sleepover.  Eat enroute.   Illusive Middle Child’s game.  Girl Friday’s game. Costco snack frenzy to get Super Bowl eats.

Reality: Got to McD’s drive-in. Realized that Girl Friday’s uniform was still at home. Went home.  Picked up uniform (luckily dry in the drier and not wet in the washer, as Saturday is laundry day). Dropped Illusive Middle Child off for game, as he was now almost late.  Picked up Girl Friday.  Ate in parking lot (no food allowed in gym)...side note: McD's new chicken poppers not least at room temperature.  Missed first five minutes of Illusive Middle Child’s game.  Girl Friday’s was late starting, so Oldest Child complained that it was boring. (However, she did get a throw in like her brother usually does).

Next, the carrot that got Oldest Child out the door in the first place…pre-Super Bowl samples and the chummed waters of hungry/ desperate shoppers at Costco.  It was kind of like herding cats…hungry, feral cats, but we got through it and each picked one item.

I picked Cream Puffs
Oldest Child-Taquitoes
Illusive Middle Child- Honey BBQ wings
Girl Friday- Mozzarella Sticks

Are we ready for some football?  I think so!

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