Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 57: Happy Fauschnaut Day!

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Can ou believe that today marks the end of the second and start of the third month of you away from home! Glad to hear your Fauschnauts made it to the Front intact!  We had plenty of our own as well!
We miss you.

Translation: Mmmmm Doughnuts!
So, as I was growing up near the Pennsylvanian Dutch, we always had Fauschnauts to celebrate Fat Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday or, well…Fauschnaut Day! LOL.  The kids love this, and as we live nowhere near Pennsylvania these days, we have to improvise with donut holes.

Today was also a stay home day, so we hung out in our jammies for as long as possible.  We also made Fabulous Spouse some snickerdoodles.  Illusive Middle Child and Girl Friday were all over this, as helpers usually get some extra poison taster cookie dough.  It is amazing how well they work together when food is on the line!

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