Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 45: Wrestling Banquet

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Tonight was Illusive Middle Child’s wrestling banquet.  It was great to see the wrestling gang one last time for the season (and eat lots of pizza).
We miss you.

Translation: Seriously, where is my clone?
Ok, while we temporarily have a handle on leftover management, the clones have gone missing again.  This time it was during the Wrestling banquet.  Of course the banquet is 6-8:30 (It actually finished at 7:45) and Girl Friday has basketball from 7-8.  No problem…you would think.

However, the coaches started handing out the awards at 6:30.  I had to make the tough mom call and make Girl Friday late rather than chancing missing Illusive Middle Child get his hard won plaque. Yes, at 7:06, his name was called… and Coach even said a little about him, which made him smile (about the New Year’s Eve morning match where he drove Illusive Middle Child, and asked him to help keep Coach awake…since he was battling a rough cold and had not slept much.  Illusive Middle Child was asleep within 10 minutes of the ride!)

So, as per usual, running late, we headed off o Girl Friday’s basketball practice.  Today’s focus was guarding your opponent…an area where Girl Friday can definitely use practice! (she still tends to leave her person and chase the ball).  I left her to check on the boys…and find the banquet wrapping up.  So, I took them home, caught the end of Girl Friday’s practice, and came home with her from that.  Like I said, where is my clone when I need her?

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