Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 47: Basketball Game Day #4 & a Movie

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Today was another basketball game day.  It was also the weekend release of Star Wars Episode I: the Phantom Menace in 3D, so we went.
We miss you.

Translation: How long does it take to get Teriyaki Chicken and rice in a Sushi restaurant?
Today was actually our turn to provide snacks for both boys and girls basketball.  No big deal.  This was a chance for us to get rid of the Fritos that were accumulating in the pantry, as the kids never seem to want to eat them in their lunches.

Illusive Middle Child is really getting better.  He is now the tip off center, the ball thrower inner, the primary rebound guy, and is getting enough confidence to start throwing baskets!

This week, Girl Friday was not as into basketball as she has been in the past.  I am not sure if it is because we had a substitute coach, or that she is finally realizing that as the youngest, she may have the passion for the game, but she has not developed all of the skills.  It did not help, that the one time that she did get the ball at the end of the first half, she got called for travelling two seconds later!   In any event, Girl Friday did her time in the first half, but only played the last 3 minutes of the second half.

After basketball, we headed to the theater to see our limited time, 3D Star Wars movie.  Given the choice between 4PM movie and then dinner or dinner and then a 5:20PM movie, they chose the latter.  So, we got our tickets and headed over to Conveyer Belt Sushi!

The first thing that we did was order the little guys’ hot Teriyaki chicken and rice, as they are more a sushi is cool in theory than in practice.  Thirty minutes later, Oldest child and I had eaten our fill, our water glasses were empty and still no teriyaki.  40 minutes… 50 minutes…  it finally came just after 5PM.  So, the starving young ones inhaled their dinner, Oldest Child and I waited…still out of water, and then we hurried to catch our movie!

Save your pennies, you did not miss anything.  After Hugo, this was a big 3D disappointment.  Oh well.  The kids enjoyed it, and I guess that is what counts the most! (This is not the movie that you are looking for...)

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