Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 61: Basketball Game Day #6

It was another fun day of basketball games.  Illusive Middle Child dominates more and more of the court...
and Girl Friday becomes less interested.  Oldest Child served mass.  We also had MR and her son over for Pizza & Movie night (temporarily moved to Saturdays to accommodate meat toppings and the Lenten ban on non-seafood meat on Fridays).
We miss you!

Translation: Company!
Well, basketball continues in its Saturday time suck vortex of our lives.  That is OK, at least it is close, so that only the player and parent need to attend.  Oldest Child and the non-playing basketball-er can stay home while the other one has court time.  Although, both Illusive Middle Child and Girl Friday profess to still love the sport, so I have the feeling that there are many, many more basketball games in our future.

This week we also had our first house guests since Fabulous Spouse left!  MR and her son (remind me, I need to ask her for a code name, LOL!)  Tonight was Costco pepperoni pizza and Puss & Boots for the movie.  It was nice to have some company over, and a glass of wine with someone!  The movie was a hit with the kids, but I am glad that we waited for the DVD, as I would have been disappointed with the gargantuan cost to take the four of us (and I think it would have been 5 when it was released).

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