Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 54: Basketball Game Day #5

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
It is amazing how much the kids have improved.  Had a 9AM and 2:50 Game today, and picked up Girl Scout cookies in between!
We love you and miss you!

Translation: Will clean for cookies
Illusive Middle child continues to improve his basketball game.  It would be amazing to see how he would do with a real coach and practice more than one hour a day one day a week (not that I am complaining).  He is getting more and more rebounds, and is even getting some goals (points? scores?) in the basket.

On our way to Girl Friday’s game, we picked up our Girl Scout cookies.  It is amazing the power of Girl Scout cookies.  Suddenly with Girl Scout cookies in her future, Girl Friday was ready to play ball… and play she did! (Translation: she followed the ball like a wild girl rather than her mark).  She did get the ball twice.  Both times she got called for travelling.  Oh, well!

When we got home, it was amazing how quickly laundry got done and folded…and the play room even got picked up a bit with the promise of the annual two free boxes of cookies on the line.

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