Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 39: TGIF

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Thank goodness it’s Friday!  Finally, we can relax, eat some pizza and watch a movie! …Wait… the Neighbor Kid’s parents are stuck in traffic.  No pizza until 7:15.  At least Girl Friday scored a sleepover!
We miss you!

Translation: Late night movies
Parent pick up for our Neighbor Boy was way later than usual.  So, Pizza was not served until almost 8.  However, since Girl Friday had a sleepover with her Girl Scout friend, the boys and I finally watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1.  Illusive Middle Child now keeps going around quoting Dobby the House Elf, “Dobby did not mean to kill, he only meant to maim or seriously injure.” 

There you go.  A very good quote of the day.

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