Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 60: Thank you for Flowers!

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Thank you for the beautiful flowers!  It had been a rough day getting to my volunteer job, and with my client.  It was cruddy, grey and rainy.  However, your sunny yellow flowers fixed it all!
Thank you.
We miss you!

Translation: You are my sunshine!
Fabulous Spouse, you seem to know exactly when I need a pick me up!

Our old county had had  a rough couple of days, with an elementary school shooting on Wednesday, a State Trooper shooting on Thursday, and then when I drove over to volunteer in the cloudy drizzle, someone sped down an off ramp, jumped the fence and sailed 50 yards into the inlet…at a chokepoint with no bypass.

After an hour to travel three miles, I had to deal with a difficult case where I volunteered and then return home in the foggy rain.  I was not in the best of moods.  Luckily, before I could get my coat off, you came through with my sunny flowers.  How did you know that this is what I needed?  I guess that is why you are so Fabulous!

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