Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 55: The Fancy Nancy Ballet

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Today we went to the Ballet…the Fancy Nancy Ballet.  Shockingly, the boys opted to stay home and play Xbox.  Therefore, a good time was had by all!
We miss you.

Translation: Ballet is fancy for a chance to dress up and look FABULOUS!
Girl Friday and her Girl Scout BFF have been looking forward to this day.  The Fancy Nancy Ballet.  Girl Friday dressed in her Fancy Nancy-est ballet attire, and was ready for the show. (Note: This outfit is remarkably low key compared to what some of the girls…and their mothers…were wearing to look trer Fancy Nancy-est).

The illustrator of the Fancy Nancy series was on hand to sign autographs (as a former member of the ballet troupe), and there were glitter stickers, crowns,
... and hand art as well(to make you even fancier). Ooh La La!

Afterwards, the girls got to meet the Ballet Fancy Nancy...
...and the butterflies (especially the Azure Butterfly…the one Fancy Nancy loved)… They have both decided that we have to come back next year.

Afterwards, we went to the U-Top It Frozen Yogurt for after show refreshments, and out total came to a shocking $7.10! LOL. 

We took a picture, because like always, you can never escape the 710!

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