Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 48: Parish Wide Lenten prep

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Today we lucked out with no morning CCD.  However that meant that there was an afternoon of liturgy and Lenten preparation.  Since we accidentally showed up early, that means we HAD to go get milkshakes to kill time.
We miss you.

Translation: Why to church functions make me feel like I need penance when I am done?
This morning, we started with making Valentine’s Day cards.  As Girl Friday is as crafty as her mother, that meant 25 from scratch cards for her classroom.  Unlike basketball from yesterday, this was something that she was totally into.

After our morning crafty fun, it was time to head out to church for the Parish wide Lenten prep event.  Of course, I had 1PM on my schedule, and they had 1:30 on theirs.  I figured that it was too cold to hang out, and it would be a waste to go home to turn around and come right back, so we went to Jack in the Box for Oreo milkshakes instead.

I do not know what I expected (something fun and Mardi Gras-ish), but what we got was definitely not it.  We started with a lay-led micro service (complete with readings and music…and the annoying Tammy Faye music lady).  Then the kids were separated 4th Grade and under (about 5 kids including Girl Friday and Illusive Middle Child)) and 5th Grade and above (2 kids including Oldest Child), and the adults stayed in the church to be “inspired” about lent.

Then we went to the education center to make a micro-rosary/ good deed abacus.  (they were actually kind of neat) and a Lenten calendar that looked like a board game.  Of course, the kids were bored, wanted to go home, and started getting obnoxious by 3:30.  So they made for the car with our stuff, lost the micro rosaries, and did their best to put me in an unholy and un-Lenten mood.

However, by dinner, it was going much better, and Illusive Middle Child cuddled up as we watched Once Upon a Time and got ready for bed.

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