Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 63: 9 Weeks Down… Whittling Chip Pt. 2

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Tonight was the final night of the totem carve for the Bear Scout Whittling Chip.  Note the Band-aide on Illusive Middle Child’s left hand.    War wound.
We miss you.

Translation: Eight boys in one room with pocket knives is at least 2 too many

Well, after picking up from wrestling, racing home, attending my 5 year planning  task force meeting, and then starting our Cub Scout Meeting, I realized that third graders and pocket knives is not an arena for the faint of heart.

Added to this, was paint.  This was the final night to work on the totem animals for the pack meeting and to work together with their pocket knives.  The good news is that there was no blood.  Illusive Middle Child got a cut at the kitchen table (not deep), but the threat of Disney Princess Band-Aides and no snack seemed to keep the boys from finding out just how sharp that their knives were.

After a night like tonight, I wish you were home, because it would be great to have a glass of wine and unwind! I guess for that and a zillion reasons more, I miss you! LOL!

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