Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 50: Happy Valentine’s Day

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Happy Valentine’s Day!  Divine providence that you finally got your box with your Valentine’s Day cards… three days after it was supposed to arrive.  However, maybe that made it sweeter, as you were able to actually enjoy them on Valentine’s Day!  Try not to OD on the sweets that arrived!
We miss you!

Translation: Mmmmm… chocolate.  Now get in the car.
Tuesday is a rough day on a slow Tuesday, let alone a holiday. 

This morning started early, 5AM early, as the little guys were excited to see what Valentine’s goodies had been placed at their seats while they slept.  They were especially excited about the little stuffed animals that “Dad” had sent them (way cooler than the chocolates that Mom had gotten them).  In his haste to extricate his Valentine’s mouse, Illusive Middle Child managed to maim his mouse.  It was earth shattering, and required an ER- stat.

After that emergency, it was off to school.  Then it was back to school after Illusive Middle Child realized that he left his box of Valentines in the front room when he put them down to put on his shoes. (However, he did have his mouse).

After school let out at noon, I had three kids high on sugar buzzing about the house.  All that comes up, must come down.  So, by the time that dinner was ready, the little guys were ready to crash and burn.  However, the sight of heart shaped, banana chocolate chip pancakes with whip cream and sprinkles, bacon, and sparkling apple cider was more than enough to perk them up.  Which was good, because the evening was just starting!

First, we dropped Illusive Middle Child off early at his basketball practice (they were working on tip offs in the picture), then we picked up oldest child from wrestling practice and dropped him home for a solo Valentine’s dinner and shower.  Then we got Girl Friday to her Daisy Scout Valentines party…only 10 minutes late! (Woo Hoo! Almost on time!!!)  After getting a slot for sight sales for Girl Scout cookies (Girl Friday is definitely going to be selling less this year as we have only one slot right now), it was back to boys’ basketball.

Now it was time to reverse the process, and go from basketball to Daisy Scouts, to home (to pick up the now fed and sanitized Oldest Child), to Boy Scouts, to home to get the little guys ready for bed…then back to Boy Scouts.

I guess it is a good thing that you were not home and expecting to go out on a date! LOL!

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