Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 65: Happy Leap Day!

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Thirty days has September,
    April, June, & November.
All the rest have thirty-one.
   …except February which has 28.
But, once every year in four,
   February has one more!

Today we leapt onto the net for WOYWW, had a play day with the cat, discovered Dick & Jane, had basketball practice, CCD (Faith Formation), and made some banana muffins for the office.
We miss you.

Translation: We may have gotten an extra day, but we aren’t any less busy
I often joke that I wish that I had an extra hour or two to the day, or an extra day to the week…well, here is our bonus day, and not much seems to have changed!  The poor cat was forced to “play” with the kids and her new toy.  Oldest Child had discovered the show “Cats from Hell” on Animal Planet and has it DVR’d.  After many an episode, the consensus amongst the kids was that the cat “needed” a toy of her own to stop the nervous pee-ing in the front room whenever company spent the night.

self portrait of Jr. Cat Whisperers
Since Grandmother was due in about a week, I gave in.  Who am I to argue   with a cat whisperer?  The cat wishes that I had saved my $3.  Serves her right for continuing to make poor choices.  Maybe I can hide the toy…except for when she is Naughty!

One cool thing discovered today…Girl Friday LOVES Dick and Jane.  My resident non-reader *sigh* has been inspired by the vintage reader, and spent almost an hour going through all the chapters (like 100 pages) of the anthology that I had.  It is amazing how the strangest things can be the spark to read!

At practice, Illusive Middle Child dominated the practice…as usual.  This means that he was coaches example, he “got it” first, and got fouled the most by his frustrated guards.  Which lead to…free throw practice.  Illusive Middle Child actually got more than he missed.  Not bad for a little (or not so little) guy!

Back home, we had bananas on the verge of turning on us and becoming fruit fly fodder.  So, that meant banana muffins.  As per our conversation, Girl Friday and I made an assortment of flavors to ship out to you and your office mates on the front (with extra chocolate chip ones for home).  This is one of her favorite things to do…bake. 
Maybe we have a pastry chef in the making?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 64: Green Cookie Tuesday

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Today was a slow day.  Basketball was moved to Wednesday, so that just left wrestling practice, Daisy Scouts, and Boy Scouts.  Plenty of time to make some green white chocolate macadamia nut cookies.
We miss you.

Translation: Once you’ve gone gel, there is no going back!
Ok, the pictures today could really go yesterday or today.  These cookies were started after the kids went to bed for the night, and came out of the oven after midnight…so technically… they go on the post for today (and they are the only pictures that we have for the day).

These were made with gel food coloring.  So? You ask. In the past, I have used green food coloring on cookies and cupcakes and always been disappointed.  This year, I decided to get the stuff that cake makers use to make fondant and frosting.  The results were Shrecktacular!

These are due to go into the mail in the next day or so, as the mail has slowed with the riots from the book burning incident. *sigh*  I hope that your office enjoys their St. Patrick’s Day box!

Daisy Scouts was a meeting to set up a Mother’s Day Tea for a fundraiser for the Troop, so no pictures.  Then, we raced straight from that to get from there to home to get Oldest Child to Boy Scouts close to on time.  Hope all is well (and decidedly less hectic) there.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 63: 9 Weeks Down… Whittling Chip Pt. 2

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Tonight was the final night of the totem carve for the Bear Scout Whittling Chip.  Note the Band-aide on Illusive Middle Child’s left hand.    War wound.
We miss you.

Translation: Eight boys in one room with pocket knives is at least 2 too many

Well, after picking up from wrestling, racing home, attending my 5 year planning  task force meeting, and then starting our Cub Scout Meeting, I realized that third graders and pocket knives is not an arena for the faint of heart.

Added to this, was paint.  This was the final night to work on the totem animals for the pack meeting and to work together with their pocket knives.  The good news is that there was no blood.  Illusive Middle Child got a cut at the kitchen table (not deep), but the threat of Disney Princess Band-Aides and no snack seemed to keep the boys from finding out just how sharp that their knives were.

After a night like tonight, I wish you were home, because it would be great to have a glass of wine and unwind! I guess for that and a zillion reasons more, I miss you! LOL!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 62: Girl Scout 100th Anniversary Songfest

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Spent the day at the Outlet Supermall to join hands and sing campfire songs with girls all around the country to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Girl Scouts.  Oldest Child also finally finished building his bed.
We miss you.

Translation: So-so songs and bed build complete
Girl Friday was so excited for today.  She asked if she could wear my Girl Scout vest (that my mom had saved for me –Thank you Mom!)…because it is vintage…and vintage is a fancy word for old (thank you Fancy Nancy).

Again, I was a little underwhelmed by a scouting event.  However, it is not my impression that counts, it is that of Girl Friday, and she had a grand time.  We got bandanas and patches and got lost trying to find the speaker (we were directed to the activities area on the opposite side of the mall of the singing/ speaker event). 

When it was time to sing, there were not words to sing along, so all the Daisies and Brownies were lost.

Afterwards, at the activity area, Girl Friday got the chance to be recorded for the “Girl Scout time capsule”.  She was an interview natural.

They also had a faux campfire for campfire songs and camping tips…

…and of course, we had to ride the merry-go-round before we went home.

At home, Oldest Child had spent the day working on his bed build (when not playing Xbox).

It was a lot of work, but many confusing IKEA steps later, the last drawer was installed, and it was time to move out of the guest room and onto his new bed!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 61: Basketball Game Day #6

It was another fun day of basketball games.  Illusive Middle Child dominates more and more of the court...
and Girl Friday becomes less interested.  Oldest Child served mass.  We also had MR and her son over for Pizza & Movie night (temporarily moved to Saturdays to accommodate meat toppings and the Lenten ban on non-seafood meat on Fridays).
We miss you!

Translation: Company!
Well, basketball continues in its Saturday time suck vortex of our lives.  That is OK, at least it is close, so that only the player and parent need to attend.  Oldest Child and the non-playing basketball-er can stay home while the other one has court time.  Although, both Illusive Middle Child and Girl Friday profess to still love the sport, so I have the feeling that there are many, many more basketball games in our future.

This week we also had our first house guests since Fabulous Spouse left!  MR and her son (remind me, I need to ask her for a code name, LOL!)  Tonight was Costco pepperoni pizza and Puss & Boots for the movie.  It was nice to have some company over, and a glass of wine with someone!  The movie was a hit with the kids, but I am glad that we waited for the DVD, as I would have been disappointed with the gargantuan cost to take the four of us (and I think it would have been 5 when it was released).

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 60: Thank you for Flowers!

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Thank you for the beautiful flowers!  It had been a rough day getting to my volunteer job, and with my client.  It was cruddy, grey and rainy.  However, your sunny yellow flowers fixed it all!
Thank you.
We miss you!

Translation: You are my sunshine!
Fabulous Spouse, you seem to know exactly when I need a pick me up!

Our old county had had  a rough couple of days, with an elementary school shooting on Wednesday, a State Trooper shooting on Thursday, and then when I drove over to volunteer in the cloudy drizzle, someone sped down an off ramp, jumped the fence and sailed 50 yards into the inlet…at a chokepoint with no bypass.

After an hour to travel three miles, I had to deal with a difficult case where I volunteered and then return home in the foggy rain.  I was not in the best of moods.  Luckily, before I could get my coat off, you came through with my sunny flowers.  How did you know that this is what I needed?  I guess that is why you are so Fabulous!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 59: Harlem Globetrotters

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Tonight we went to see the Harlem Globe Trotters for the first time.  Everyone had a great time, event Oldest Child, who “does not like basketball”.  The little guys were beyond amazed.
We miss you.

Translation: That was AWESOME!
Since this was the first year that Illusive Middle Child and Girl Friday played basketball, I figured that it would be a perfect time for the family to have their first Harlem Globetrotter Experience.  Oldest Child really did not want to go, and yet even he was ready to sign us up for next year by the end of the show.

First stop was a basketball and a program. Then a bathroom break and food.  Then it was showtime!They all loved the antics and amazing passes…and the irreverent and layered humor.  They especially loved the mascot: Globe-y.

In the end, they got their picture and autograph with “Big E”… (note that Oldest Child is almost as big as the tallest Globetrotter) and Illusive Middle Child is now convinced that he needs to learn how to spin a basketball on his finger!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 58: Assembly Starts

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Today is Ash Wednesday.  This means that most activities have been cancelled…. It is time to begin building the bed!
We miss you.

Translation: A chance to play
While the pieces of Oldest Child’s bed came out of their boxes, the biggest boon of the night was a Girl’s Night out at our good friend SM’s house.  As today is Ash Wednesday, all the evening activities were cancelled, giving me some free time!  And goodness, I found another friend from college, AW (now married with kids).  It was good to have some me time for a change!  …and to rekindle some old friendships to boot!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 57: Happy Fauschnaut Day!

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Can ou believe that today marks the end of the second and start of the third month of you away from home! Glad to hear your Fauschnauts made it to the Front intact!  We had plenty of our own as well!
We miss you.

Translation: Mmmmm Doughnuts!
So, as I was growing up near the Pennsylvanian Dutch, we always had Fauschnauts to celebrate Fat Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday or, well…Fauschnaut Day! LOL.  The kids love this, and as we live nowhere near Pennsylvania these days, we have to improvise with donut holes.

Today was also a stay home day, so we hung out in our jammies for as long as possible.  We also made Fabulous Spouse some snickerdoodles.  Illusive Middle Child and Girl Friday were all over this, as helpers usually get some extra poison taster cookie dough.  It is amazing how well they work together when food is on the line!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 56: Week 8 & Visiting IKEA…or Goodbye old bed

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Well, it has been on the promise list since the kids unbanked, but finally we had the money to make it happen.  Today was the big trip to IKEA, and the picking of Oldest Child’s new bed.  Next step…assembly.
We miss you!

Translation: OMG! Never go to IKEA on a FREE Breakfast for all day!
Ok, so we finally have both money in the account, and time to go to the store to spend it.  So, as promised, we headed to IKEA with our rebate card from Black Friday to get Oldest Child a bed.

As it turned out, since it was Presidents Weekend, it was also FREE breakfast day.  So, needless to say, we were lucky to find parking.  That also meant that there was no chance of getting the little guys into kiddie land (although we think that Illusive Middle Child is too tall anyway) as they were at capacity with parents waiting in line for a chance to drop off. *sigh*

So it was an experience.  We looked at all the rooms and the storage (for future visits as budgets will allow).  Of course, leave it to the kids to find the 710 in the store and have me capture it for you.

Then we were off to the bed department.  Miraculously, Oldest Child ended up picking the same bed that we liked when we picked out the couches.  The little ones took a “nap” during the boring ordeal of mattress testing.  Of course, then we had to pick out the parts…and Illusive Middle Child dropped a palette on his hand.  But no broken bones, no lost children, IKEA delivered.  Overall, a good…albeit long…day.

Goodbye old bed… Now Oldest Child just needs to assemble the new one!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 55: The Fancy Nancy Ballet

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Today we went to the Ballet…the Fancy Nancy Ballet.  Shockingly, the boys opted to stay home and play Xbox.  Therefore, a good time was had by all!
We miss you.

Translation: Ballet is fancy for a chance to dress up and look FABULOUS!
Girl Friday and her Girl Scout BFF have been looking forward to this day.  The Fancy Nancy Ballet.  Girl Friday dressed in her Fancy Nancy-est ballet attire, and was ready for the show. (Note: This outfit is remarkably low key compared to what some of the girls…and their mothers…were wearing to look trer Fancy Nancy-est).

The illustrator of the Fancy Nancy series was on hand to sign autographs (as a former member of the ballet troupe), and there were glitter stickers, crowns,
... and hand art as well(to make you even fancier). Ooh La La!

Afterwards, the girls got to meet the Ballet Fancy Nancy...
...and the butterflies (especially the Azure Butterfly…the one Fancy Nancy loved)… They have both decided that we have to come back next year.

Afterwards, we went to the U-Top It Frozen Yogurt for after show refreshments, and out total came to a shocking $7.10! LOL. 

We took a picture, because like always, you can never escape the 710!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 54: Basketball Game Day #5

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
It is amazing how much the kids have improved.  Had a 9AM and 2:50 Game today, and picked up Girl Scout cookies in between!
We love you and miss you!

Translation: Will clean for cookies
Illusive Middle child continues to improve his basketball game.  It would be amazing to see how he would do with a real coach and practice more than one hour a day one day a week (not that I am complaining).  He is getting more and more rebounds, and is even getting some goals (points? scores?) in the basket.

On our way to Girl Friday’s game, we picked up our Girl Scout cookies.  It is amazing the power of Girl Scout cookies.  Suddenly with Girl Scout cookies in her future, Girl Friday was ready to play ball… and play she did! (Translation: she followed the ball like a wild girl rather than her mark).  She did get the ball twice.  Both times she got called for travelling.  Oh, well!

When we got home, it was amazing how quickly laundry got done and folded…and the play room even got picked up a bit with the promise of the annual two free boxes of cookies on the line.