Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 3: Conspiracy Theory #1: Postal Solvency

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
Oldest Child’s room is getting greener.
How cool that you get to skip those cumbersome TSA lines at a commercial airport now that the Navy is sending you to South Carolina via a Nalo flight! Makes you feel kind of important, like a rock star!

The kids are doing well. We went to Target and cashed in all of our birthday and holiday gift cards.  Stopped at McD’s for dinner.  Had leftover quesadillas for lunch, but there seems to be no dent in the fridge.
Miss you much!

Translation: The Federal government is using IA’s to funnel money to the Post Office to keep it afloat.

In this time of economic uncertainty, we know that every effort is being made to be fiscally responsible.  That is why the navy is sending an airplane from the East Coast to California to ferry Fabulous Spouse and his 14 other IA’s across country rather than using commercial airlines and their free checked baggage for service members on active duty orders.  Oh, what is that? There is a maximum 80 pound limit per IA Sailor? …and that includes carry on? …and there are no stewardesses…er airline personnel to provide snacks or drinks?...and any food or drink that these IA sailors (who are deploying for a year and are only in California to be issued uniforms…that incur weight) count in their 80 pounds allowable? Seriously?!

Ah. Since these are Reservists, they can mail their gear home, and then mail it to South Carolina once they have a mailing address and the Navy will reimburse them. It will probably cost at least $40 each.  No, do not look behind the curtain.  Yes, we realize that it was nowhere in your deployment packets, and very few people would pack for a year with less than 20 pounds. No, you cannot mail your 8 pound medical record, and your heavy weight winter boots will not be issued until an hour before the post office closes.  However, the Navy will reimburse you… eventually.

No, it is a good use of Federal funds. Really.
...and the beatings will continue until morale improves...or the post office is solvent again.

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