Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 2: Reality

Dear Fabulous Spouse,
I love you, I miss you, and I am unsure on how the leftovers in the fridge have taken over.

Translation: Today is  ”Day 1: Demolition”

Yes, I have not adapted to cooking for four, but that is not the real story.  Also, sorry that ANY of our leftovers would be better than what the Navy is not serving you as they are still on stand down, you are in BFE LA, and really, left over Christmas cookies does not constitute a meal.

Every time that Fabulous Spouse has left on deployment, we have redecorated.  It is not just a me thing, plenty of other spouses have done the same. As a matter of fact, one of the wives I once knew would get new furniture every time that her husband deployed.  However, due to a bunch of things, deployment kept getting shifted left, and finally she had to tell her spouse or forfeit her purchase which was awaiting delivery.

In the past, Fabulous Spouse would leave for anything over 48 hours, and the living room (at a minimum) would be rearranged. Back then we had one child, two cats, and neither were much for stimulating conversation.

Now, a one year deployment warrants a shakeup.  Ok, it was in the works anyways.  In any case, Girl Friday has moved to the guest room (recently vacated by her Awesome Auntie who stayed for eight months while Fabulous Spouse’s brother was in Iraq), and the boys unbunked for the first time since Dec 2003.  This put Oldest Child in the newly vacant…and very Pepto-Bismol pink room formally occupied by his sister.

Since, in the Pacific Northwest, flat walls and ceilings are apparently illegal or immoral or something! All walls and ceilings have an “orange peel texture” and are bumpy,   and therefore a pain to paint.  So, today we have primed the ceiling and walls (or “de-pinkified” them as Oldest Child would say).  Now that we have killed the pink, it will ferment, and in the next two days or so, turn green.

Wish us luck!

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